Middle Eastern women in the Arab world

Middle Eastern women in the Arab world

Women have proved their proficiency in many fields in Middle Eastern countries, as Middle Eastern women in the Arab world have many famous effective women in history, science, and also politics. In addition, she played many vital roles in the family, the political, and economic fields. So, we will tell you all you need to know about Middle Eastern women in the Arab world.

What is feminism?

Feminism is a movement of social and cultural movement that aims at equality between men and women. In addition, it especially appeared in countries that give men more privileges than women.

What are Middle Eastern countries?

Middle Eastern countries include countries such as Egypt, Oman, Iraq, Yemen, Cyprus, and Lebanon. And also Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Iran, Bahrain, Palestine, Turkey, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates.

History of feminism in the Middle East

  • The history of the emergence of Feminism in the Middle East dates back to the nineteenth century. However, before that, there were no rights for women as many as today. In addition, she did not have the right to get an education, or the right to participate in presidential elections. AAs well as the right to participate in political life in general.
  • In addition, the majority of Middle Eastern countries are Muslims and Arabs. So traditions and culture played a role even before the advent of Islam. But when Islam came, it called for equality between nomads and women in many matters such as the right of inheritance and the abolition of slavery.
  • Over the centuries, mixing with the West occurred, and the exchange of cultures and scientific missions occurred, especially during the era of Muhammad Ali. So, a new generation of young people emerged who advocated feminism and equality between men and women. Besides, The culture in the Middle East was influenced by Western cultures.

Middle Eastern women in the Arab world in the history

The Middle Eastern Women in Politics

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world. They are such as:

  • Queen Nefertiti.
  • Queen Belqis.
  • Queen Shagaret Al-Dorr.

Middle Eastern Women in poetry and literature

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world. They are such as:

  • Khansa.
  • May Ziadeh.
  • Nazik angels.

The Middle Eastern Women in the science

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world. They are such as:

  • Samira Moussa.
  • Maha Ashour.
  • Shadia Habbal.

Middle Eastern Women in art and music

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world. They are such as:

  • Fayrouz.
  • Umm Kulthum.

The Middle Eastern Women in radio and press

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world. They are such as:

  • Salwa Hegazy.
  • Samia Sadiq.
  • Zainab Badawi.

Women’s rights in the Middle East 2022

Women’s rights in Middle Eastern countries vary and have many fields in life such as:

  • The right to physical integrity.
  • Conclusion of legal contracts.
  • The right to property.
  • Obtaining equal rights in family law.
  • Independence in her decisions.
  • No exposure to sexual violence.
  • Voting in the elections.
  • Occupy public office.
  • Receiving fair wages or also equal pay.
  • Reproductive rights.
  • The right to education.

Middle Eastern women clothing

There were special clothes for women in middle eastern countries and also the Arab world that relates to their traditions and religions. Besides, some clothes are from their heritage. However, we must respect all kinds of clothes as this is every human’s right to wear whatever he wants. So, this clothes are such as:

Middle Eastern women’s headdress

Traditional Middle Eastern women’s clothing includes hijab, as we just mentioned that most of Middle Eastern women are Muslims and also Arabs. So Middle Eastern women’s head covering is the most common. In addition, there are many styles of Middle Eastern women’s head wrap

Middle Eastern women’s clothing names

The most famous Middle Eastern women’s dress and Arabs is Abaya. Besides, it is the traditional one that you will find mainly in the Peninsula area. However, each country has its own style in its Abaya.

Kurdish and Middle Eastern women’s organizations

There is many women’s organization in the Middle East and also the Arab world which defends women’s rights in many fields of life. However, nowadays there is a great change in women’s lives in the Middle East and Arab countries. But still, Women need to gather in organizations to keep these rights going on and to save their access to lead many fields in each country.

The Middle Eastern women’s organizations

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world organizations. They are such as:

  • Foundation for Egyptian Women’s Issues (CEWLA)
  • Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI)-2003
  • Kafa Violence and Exploitation (KAFA)-2005
  • Pioneers
  • Al-Nahda Women’s Association in Saudi Arabia – 1962
  • Protection Association in Saudi Arabia
  • Association for the Protection and also Defense of Women’s Rights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • UNHCR – Women
  • National Council for Women (Egypt)-2000
  • International Center for Women’s Research
  • International Democratic Women’s Union
  • The Arab Institute for Democratic Studies and also Human Rights
  • Maat Foundation for Peace, Development, and aalso Human Rights
  • Egyptian Association for Supporting Human Rights
  • The Arab Women’s Organization in Jordan (AWO) – 1970
  • Arab Women Leaders Institute

Famous Middle Eastern women in the Arab world

According to the Forbes website, many Middle Eastern women in the Arab world have made great achievements in creating new brands such as the following:

First: Women behind Middle Eastern Brands

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world created brands. They are such as:

  • Huda Kattan
  • Azza Fahmy, Amina and also Fatma Ghali
  • Mona Kattan
  • Rayan Al Sulaimani
  • Andrea Wazen
  • Aya and also Mounaz Abdelraouf
  • Farida Temraz
  • Gemy Maalouf
  • Dima Rashid Al-Sarraj
  • Mouna Abbassy

Second: Women behind Middle Eastern Tech Brands 2022

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world in Tech brands. They are such as:

  • Mona Ataya; Leena Khalil
  • Nadine Mezher
  • Ambareen Musa
  • Fatma El Shenawy
  • Ola Doudin
  • Ioanna Angelidaki
  • Sophia Alj
  • Anuschka Ahmed Iqbal
  • Katharine Budd
  • Yasmine Abdel Karim

Third: Middle Eastern Women in the politics

There are many famous Middle Eastern Women and also the Arab world in the politics. They are such as:

  • Hikmat Abu Zeid
  • Mirna Boustany – Lebanon
  • Najah Al-Attar – Syria
  • Anaam Al-Mufti – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Victory Minister – Palestine
  • Taiba Al Maawali – Oman
  • Wahiba Farah – Yemen
  • Sheikha Ahmed Al Mahmoud – Qatar
  • Lubna Al Qasimi – United Arab Emirates
  • Nada Abbas Hafdah – Bahrain
  • Masoumeh Saleh Al Mubarak – Kuwait
  • Noura Al-Fayez – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Middle Eastern women names

Common Middle Eastern women’s names are such as:

  • Alaa
  • Seham
  • Raghda
  • Walaa
  • Maha
  • Riham
  • Asmaa
  • Rasha
  • Enas
  • Amira
  • Ebtisam
  • Wedad
  • Rabha
  • Nawal
  • Najwa
  • Hager
  • Sara
  • Rana
  • Hadeer
  • Hoda
  • Khadija
  • Hafsa
  • Ebtihal
  • Fedaa
  • Raga
  • Rahma
  • Rukaya
  • Rufayda
  • Radya
  • Rawheya
  • Randa
  • Sahar
  • Shams
  • Shorouk
  • Samar
  • Shahenda
  • Fareda
  • Kaamilia
  • Aesha
  • Shadia
  • Gamila

In conclusion, women are an important part of society that plays a vital role in each field of life. Besides, it’s the main part of the family that needs to save all its rights. In addition, it has proved its leadership as a prime minister in many ministries. Moreover, there are many famous celebrities that have been part of many global organizations.


Does the Middle East have women’s rights?

Yes, Middle Eastern women had their rights such as participating in political life, getting an education…etc. Besides, Islam religion has given women a lot of rights equal to the man.

What do Middle Eastern women wear?

Most Middle Eastern countries are Muslim, so most of the women in the Middle East wear Hijab or Abaya. In addition, they are wearing also skirts, shirts, dresses, and trousers.

What do Arabs call women?

The Arab people call the women in the Arabic language “Imra’a”