Ramadan in Saudi Arabia 2023 | Date, Traditions, and Religious Places

Ramadan in Saudi Arabia

Ramadan is a sacred month for Muslims, so in each Arab country you will find different traditions and some similarities, we will tell you in this article about Ramadan in Saudi Arabia. In addition, Ramadan has many features and a special atmosphere feels like a celebration with this great month. Let’s see how Ramadan is … Read more

Ramadan restrictions for tourists in Dubai

Ramadan restrictions for tourists in Dubai

Ramadan is a sacred month for Muslims, however, every tourist traveling to Dubai must respect Muslims and their Holy month, so we will tell you Ramadan Restrictions for tourists in Dubai. In addition, it’s not difficult to follow these restrictions as it’s only outside your home or hotel room. Besides, if you want anyone to … Read more

Ramadan in Egypt | Ramadan Traditions in Egypt

Ramadan tradition in Egypt

Ramadan tradition in Egypt is full of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and charitable acts. Besides, Muslims believe that during this month, the gates of heaven are open, and the gates of hell are closed. So, we will tell you in the next paragraph about Ramadan tradition in Egypt. Ramadan city Egypt Overall, you can conclude from … Read more

Egypt People

Egyptian pharaonic civilization

The Egyptians are the population of Egypt and one of the peoples of the Arab world. Their number is estimated at 104 million, the majority of whom are Muslims with a Christian minority. The first article of the Egyptian constitution states that: The Egyptian people are part of the Arab nation working on its integration … Read more

Emirates Arab United


The United Arab Emirates is a country located in the east of the Arabian Peninsula in the southwest of the continent of Asia, bordering the southern shore of the Arabian Gulf. It has a common border from the northwest with the State of Qatar, from the south and west with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and from the southeast with the Sultanate of Oman. The … Read more

Middle Eastern People


Middle Eastern countries The definition of the countries of the Middle East is a broad and changing concept and is subject to many variables, political and regional updates, and others, where the countries of the Middle East were a geographical region with common cultures located in the west of the Asian continent, then the definition … Read more

Customs and traditions in Egypt

Customs and traditions in Egypt

Customs and traditions in Egypt Customs and traditions differ between peoples as a whole, as customs are what the generations have passed down in terms of actions and sayings and remain present in religious and social events and rituals, among others. It is necessary to stop and talk about Egyptian customs in Egypt, which are … Read more