Ramadan fasting rules, and health benefits
What proves that God has imposed Ramadan fasting?
When is Ramadan?
Do you know Ramadan fasting time, rules, and benefits on health?
What are Ramadan fasting conditions, nullifiers?
Who are the exempted people from fasting?
All these questions that you are wondering, you will find the best answer in this article. We will explain Ramadan fasting time, rules, and benefits on health.
What proves that God has imposed Ramadan fasting?
- God said in his Holy Quran: “Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you”. Which proves that fasting was obligatory upon the Muslims.
- God said in his Holy Quran: “The month of Ramadan in which Qur’an was sent down, a guide for mankind, and clear Signs of the guidance, and the judgment. So whoever is present during that month should spend it in fasting “.
- Fasting of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam.
- God imposed fasting the month of Ramadan on Muslims in the second year of migration.
The origin of the name Ramadan:
It was called by this name because when it was first imposed on Muslims, it was very hot. Very hot is known in Arabic as Ramada, meaning extreme heat, so it was called “Ramadan.”
When is the month of Ramadan?
The holy month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Hijri year. It is preceded by the month of Sha’ban and followed by the month of Shawwal.
Ramadan crescent moon observation:
In order to determine the date of the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, it is necessary to observe the crescent of the month of Ramadan, after sunset on the 29th of the month of Sha’ban. Because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him said: “Fast at its sighting and break your fast at its sighting”.
In case the crescent is not seen:
At that time, the month of Sha’ban must be completed for thirty days, then they fast Ramadan for thirty days, and then they break their fast.
In case of the sighting of the crescent:
Then the month of Shaban must fast for only 29 days, and Muslims begin to fast Ramadan.
What are Ramadan Fasting rules?
First Ramadan fasting rule: To be Muslim.
Second Ramadan fasting rule: Being an adult.
Third Ramadan fasting rule: Being an adult.To be Sane
Forth Ramadan fasting rule: Being an adult.Ability to fast.
Fifth Ramadan fasting rule: Being an adult.Good Health
Sixth Ramadan fasting rule: Being an adult.Accommodation (not traveling).
Ramadan fasting time:
Ramadan fasting time is from the time of Fajr’s prayer to Maghreb’s prayer.
What are Fasting Ramadan health benefits?
First Ramadan fasting health benefit: Help to lose weight
If you dream of less weight! Ramadan fasting is a way to lose weight Ramadan fasting as it helps reduce the calories you eat. This fasting also helps to suppress the appetite as less food is eaten, which leads the body to break down the fat stored in it to generate energy in the body.
Second Ramadan fasting health benefit: Getting rid of toxins from the body:
Fasting during the month of Ramadan helps to get rid of toxins from the body. This is due to not eating and drinking throughout the day, which helps the body to get rid of toxins from the digestive system.
Third Ramadan fasting health benefit: Improving the performance of the digestive system:
Ramadan fasting helps in improving the performance of the digestive system as well as getting rid of many problems that affect the digestive system, including indigestion, acidity, and irritable bowel. Fasting helps in strengthening the membranes of the digestive system, which increases the efficiency of the digestive system and the performance of the metabolism.
Forth Ramadan fasting health benefit: Fasting reduces inflammation:
Chronic inflammation can damage healthy cells and body organs, and it is related to many diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. When you fast during Ramadan, your body cannot convert the glucose from food into energy. Instead, your body must rely on an alternative energy source called ketone bodies, which come from fatty acids. This helps reduce inflammation.
Fifth Ramadan fasting health benefit: Fasting regulates blood sugar levels:
Ramadan fasting also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which helps protect against diseases such as diabetes type two. The level of sugar drops from fasting very naturally and increases when you eat, so your body manufactures glucose on its own to prevent a drop in blood sugar. This keeps blood sugar at appropriate levels.
Sixth Ramadan fasting health benefit: Reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood:
Fasting during Ramadan helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. As it reduces the accumulation of fat in the blood. Therefore, fasting is important for cardiovascular health; thus, it helps prevent strokes and heart attacks.
Seventh Ramadan fasting health benefit: Ramadan fasting improves heart health:
Since fasting during the month of Ramadan helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces the risk of diabetes, and also reduces inflammation, all of these factors help in improving the performance of the heart and protecting it. Fasting for 14 hours also reduces the effort the heart makes when pumping blood to the stomach to carry out the process of digestion.
Eighth Ramadan fasting health benefit: Improving the performance of the brain and neurons:
Improving nerve cells by releasing chemicals during fasting, which maintain neurons and prevent Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.
Ninth Ramadan fasting health benefit: Getting rid of depression and improve your mood:
The fasting month of Ramadan helps to enhance the mood as it helps the brain to increase the ability to resist stress and also helps to get rid of depression.
Tenth Ramadan fasting health benefit: Getting rid of bad health habits:
Fasting during the month of Ramadan is an opportunity to get rid of some bad habits and follow healthy habits; the first bad habit is smoking, as Ramadan is the best opportunity for smokers to quit smoking gradually, including the increased amount of sugars.
Virtues of Month of Ramadan:
The month of Ramadan is distinguished by God with many virtues, the most important:
- There is Night of Qadr, about which God said, “The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months.” It was named Qadr because in it the fates change, as a result of responding prayers. Qadr night in on the last ten days of Ramadan.
- The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about its characteristics that “the beginning of it is mercy, the middle of it is forgiveness, and the end of it is liberation from the fire.”Whixh means the first ten days God has mercy for Muslims, and the middle ten days God forgives Muslims, and the last ten days are more than other days, because these ten days includes the Night of Qadr And God frees Muslims from the fire.
- The Umrah in Ramadan is considered as performing the Hajj. So whoever performs the Umrah in the Holy month of Ramadan is as if he had performed the Hajj.
- The speed of response to prayers.
- A good deed is awarded as ten times.
What are the fasting nullifiers?
- Food, drink, or even medicine intentionally reaches the stomach.
- Intentionally vomiting.
- Intercourse: it is forbidden during the fasting hours day in Ramadan.
- The bleeding of women, whether it is (menstruation, postpartum, or childbirth), and she must compensate these days once she can.
- Apostasy which means choosing disbelief and renouncing Islam.
Who are the exempted people from Ramadan fasting?
- The non-Muslim.
- The insane.
- The traveler.
- The patient.
- A legitimate excuse for a woman.
In the end, we must realize that God has imposed fasting not only for religious many reasons. Moreover, It has many benefits on our health, psychological, educational, and of course, religious benefits. As our body has a right over us and we can’t deny that without health we cannot enjoy anything.