Area of Palestine and Population Number



Palestine is an Arab state that is still under occupation. After the end of the British mandate from the country, the occupying Israeli entity appeared and took control of the lands from which Britain withdrew, and according to agreements with the colonial countries, the establishment of the allegedly state of Israel was declared, despite its newness, but it was able to prevail over Arab armies in two wars; The reason for this is the support of Western countries and providing them with the latest weapons, and the Palestinian people at home and abroad are still struggling to obtain independence with the support and backing of the Arab countries, especially brother Jordan.


Palestine is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, bordered on the east by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, on the north by the Lebanese Republic, and on the south by the Arab Republic of Egypt, and its location occupies great historical importance throughout the ages, due to the diversity of its terrain from mountains and plains. Wadis, the fertility of its soil, its moderate climate, in addition to its marine value; The first Arab Canaanite tribes were established on the Palestinian sea shores.

Area and population

The area of Palestine is about 27.009 km 2 , with a population numbering about 4,500,000 people distributed on its territory, and there are about 1,400,000 Palestinians living inside Israel occupied the area, and approximately 5,200,000 Palestinian immigrants in the countries of the world, bringing the total of the Palestinian people at home and become Abroad, about eleven million people, according to statistics conducted in 2013.

The natural sections of the lands of Palestine

  • Flat areas: are divided into two parts:
    *The coastal plains: which extend along the Mediterranean Sea, and these plains are characterized by the abundance of rain in them, and moderate temperatures in summer and winter.
    *The inner plains: such as the Marj Bin Amer plain, which is considered one of the most fertile lands in Palestine, and it is one of the areas in which people practiced agriculture in the early stages of his life.
  • The Negev Desert: The Negev desert constitutes more than half of the lands of Palestine, and is divided into three sections: the northern, coastal and southern Negev, and although they are desert areas, the occupying entity transformed these areas into agricultural areas, bringing water to them from other places.
  • The mountainous region: It consists of intermittent mountain ranges, the most important of which are: the Galilee and Carmel Mountains, and it is considered one of the rainiest areas in Palestine.
  • Wadi al-Ghor: the extension of the Wadi al-Ghor starts from the north from the basalt rocky massif, sloping towards the south, in line with the slope of the rubble pit, and during its slope it forms basins in which water collects, such as: Lake Hula, which was drained by the Jews; This valley connects with the Jordan Valley, south of the Dead Sea.

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