Arabic language

The Arabic language and its origins

What is the Arabic language?

The Arabic language, or the language of Dhad, is one of the most widespread languages ​​within the Semitic languages ​​group, in the countries of the Arab world. In addition to many other regions such as Turkey, Ahwaz, Mali, Chad, Senegal, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Iran, and southern Sudan.

The Arabic language is considered a sacred language on the grounds that it is the language of the Qur’an, as prayer and other rituals in the Islamic religion are only performed with mastery of the Arabic language.

It is also a ritual language in a number of Christian churches throughout the Arab world, and many Jewish intellectual and religious works have been written in it specifically in the Middle Ages.

The spread of the Islamic religion had a direct and indirect effect on raising the status of the Arabic language, as it became the language of science, literature, and politics for a long time in the lands ruled by Muslims.

In addition to this, the Arabic language had a great influence on a number of other languages ​​throughout the Islamic world, such as Persian and Turkish, Kurdish, Berber, Malay, Urdu, Albanian, Indonesian, and some South African languages ​​such as Swahili, Hausa, Amharic, Tajiri, and Somali. In addition to some European languages, especially Portuguese, Spanish, Sicilian, and Maltese, they are taught formally or electively in a number of African and Islamic countries bordering the Arab countries.

The status and characteristics of the Arabic language

The Arabic language is the official language in all countries of the Arab world, in addition to a number of other countries such as Eritrea and Chad, in addition to this, it is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations, and the International Day of the Arabic Language is celebrated on the eighteenth of December of each year.

The Arabic language is considered one of the most prolific languages ​​in terms of linguistic material.

In the dictionary of Ibn Manzur (Lisan Al Arab), which was composed in the thirteenth century AD, more than eighty thousand articles. The number of letters in the Arabic language is twenty-eight written letters, and a number of linguists believe that it is necessary to add (the letter hamza) to the list of letters of the language, so that the number is twenty-nine letters.


ما هي اللغة العربية

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