Arab countries

Tourism in Morocco – Attractions, Places, and Activities

Tourism in Morocco is famous for its amazing historical sites and weather in many months…

Egypt Agriculture – the beginning, farming, and characteristics

Egypt Agriculture is one of the great fields of the economy that has begun thousands…

Where is Palestine located?

Where is the State of Palestine located? Palestine is an Arab country located in Asia…

Who are Arab Muslims?

Arab Muslims are a significant number in the world. They make up a large proportion…

Sousse Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the amazing Arab countries that has many fascinating cities and places…

The Arabian people

The Arabian people The Arabian people are one of the oldest peoples. Each Arab country…

How is Eid celebrated in the Arab countries

How is Eid celebrated in the Arab countries Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are two…

Most beautiful Arab Country | Morocco

Most beautiful Arab Country | Morocco The popular tourist site Trip Advisor has released its…

Middle East countries

Middle East countries The definition of the countries of the Middle East is a broad…

Gulf country

Gulf country Gulf country are the group of Arab countries that overlook the Arabian Gulf,…